
Dance Videos

A Variety of dance moves and styles, from serious and highly skilled to just plain funny

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Dance Moves

Video Player -How to view the 20 videos


    • You can start at the beginning by clicking the arrow on the player twice.
    • Or you can start from another video by selecting from the Picture menu on the side of the player to the right.
    • By using the tiny arrow at the bottom right of the player you can scroll through other ttles.
    • To Stop the video press the stop button (bottom left) 2 times.

If you Cannot see the videos:

    • You need to get a copy of the latest flash player (FREE) from Adobe. The Flash player are formerly what was known as the "Macromedia" Flash player. As "Macromedia" was aquired by Adobe all links for the software are now on the Adobe Website.

Flash player Links:

Dance Videos

About the Playlist:

The videos in this playlst were Uploaded by various members at YouTube. The playlist was created by Debra Ford from some of the millions of videos on the site. Anyone can go to YouTube to search for videos them self, but, this is time consuming. There are a variety of Videos saved to playlists on ths site and hopefully there is something for everyone.

About the Videos:

In time this site will post links to those featured in the videos. More information about the videos can sometimes be found at youTube, but, it really depends on how much information the person who uploads the videos provided. All videos do not stay in the playlist indefinitely as this is a plylist of files found online. At any point that the video owner deletes files or the accounts are deleted then those changes are also relectd in the video player.