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On this page you will find

    • "Articles" on products that are available at the tech savvy place The Sharper Image.
    • Discussion Topics - dream products, health and fitness, clean living, clean air, & exercise
    • You will also find out about those monthly specials on those great products that we drool over when flying from city to city and politely put the catalog back in the seat pocket in front of us before getting off the plane.

New feature discussions by debraford123 will be added.

A Music Lovers Dream Chair

"Now as a "Gamer" and a "Music Lover" I'd have to say this is the ultimate product. How could you not love this chair? And, since you are right there it's like being immersed in the sound without a head phone strapped to your head. The only thing missing is the game pad controller in his hand. Of course, if more than one person lives in the house, someone would have to set ground rules on who get the chair and when. But, every one needs to learn self discipline, so that could be considered an exercise in personal development and growth. That way this chair could bring joy to the home. For myself, I would totally claim this chair as mine. This chair is officially on my list of things I want badly." - debraford123

February Special deals at The Sharper Image

Free Shipping

Air Purifiers

"Yes, I do have ionic air purifiers and I must say that air quality is extremely important. Now, I may be more sensitive than many because of my sinus condition. But, that just means I notice the difference more. Improved air is an improvement. I personally have used a variety of air purifiers since 1983. The ones with Ionic filter options seem to be the best, in my opinion. There are many different options for many different budgets. Yes, I have had to deal with budgetary concerns over the years. However, I see an air filter or purifier as an essential thing in my life and when replacing items lost from disaster, an air purifier was high on the list. It is also helpful for people with allergies and asthma or a house full of kids. All things can't be prevented, but, air borne allergens can be minimized. " - debraford123


"There are a lot of diets out there, but the truth is, a diet doesn't tone you or keep you in shape. At some point you must exercise. Many people dislike exercise, because, they over do it and learn to hate it. Or they pick out a form of exercise that doesn't fit into their entire life. circumstance changes and it is easy to forget to replace your old routines with new ones that keep you fit. And, how many people have gym memberships they never use because of their schedules or feeling like they are competing with other buff members? It doesn't matter what you buy or where you join. What matters is that each of us makes the effort to put exercise in our lives. Pick a form of exercise which is comfortable to you that you can continue throughout your life in shape. Especially, important for those of us who have slid into the computer environment and spend more time sitting at screens at the end of our day or all day, to make the effort to reintroduce exercise into our lives. "

- debraford123

Year round Sharper Image links:

The links in this section will take you to "The Sharper Image" Official website. The discounts are valid if you use the links on this page. The links on this page are recommended by debraford123.

This page added to the site Feb 9th 2007